My ah-ma says sleep like that more shiok, so that explains the bolster under my feet..

This was taken 2 days ago.. Alvis is now 6 weeks old...

Check out my dimple!
Daddy, Mummy and me have a left dimple each! =P
That is our trademark of a family.. hehe..

Alvis in his ride yesterday when we went for a follow-up with Dr Low at Paragon...
Alvis was down with flu for the past week.. My poor boy went through suctions and had to take medicine to fight the virus.. Glad that he's all well now.. I pray he'll grow up to be a strong and healthy boy.. and i wonder who passed the virus to him.. !$*!&@^!%#^$@#...

Taken today after his bath time...

Now Alvis can follow an object with his eyes and knows how to smile at us already..
I love to see him smile... Sometimes he smile in his dreams, that is so very cute..
Sometimes he'll even let out a chuckle..
I love my precious Alvis...
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