Very nice of her to get me this on our 3rd anniversary...
Just a small token but I love it alot..
I usually don't hang anything on my cellphone, except for that lanyard thing so I can hook my phone into my wrists to avoid misplacing it..
But I put on this onto my phone once I opened it..
Nice amulet..
Hope it'll bring me, hubby and Alvis good luck, eternal love, good health and happiness..
She even put it in a red packet..
or rather an orange one to be exact...
With her well wishes....
Made me felt like our wedding day.. haha..
But anyhow, I was very touched.
She even got a very nice Japanese jacket for lil Alvis...
I love it at first sight too...
Nice material, unique design...
Totally cool....
Thank you so much, I'm sure Alvis will love it too. =)
Okie, here are some photos I took on that day Alvis turned 9months old.. hehe..
I rushed home from work, fetched him before he really felt sleepy so I could play with him awhile and say "Happy 9months baby" to him...
Playing with his usual toys...
and now he knows how to hold my mobile phone.
cuz of the amulet that has two bells on it, haha, he'll LOOK at my phone when he hears those bells..
"Happy 9months my bao bei"
Though my hair's messy, still I wanna take a picture with my little prince....
But he kept looking at his toys... and my mobile... :(
Then I had to grab my mobile and the camera together, so he will look at the camera....
haha, he's still looking at the mobile...
I just love to see him smile and hear him giggle...
and sometimes see his saliva flow...hahaha...
he's growing his 3rd teeth, that's why... =)
"eh.... 外公 is back!"
"hello 外公"
smiling at the sight of 外公....
Oh... the camera case is interesting too....
"nah, mummy, give u back!"
"sorry, i think i rather use it to soothe my gum"
haha, then mummy will immediately pull it out from your mouth..
"thats not a teether, alvis baby"
3 months more it'll be Alvis' 1st birthday...
LOoking very forward to it...
Alvis, you must grow up happily and healthily..
Daddy and mummy loves you...
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