I fell ill.
Feverish, voice-less, coughing plus mild flu..
Went to work in the morning.. but took half day MC as I was freezing in the office and it made me feel even worse...
Went to the doctor with hubby, he was off that day, came home to rest..
And went to pick my little darling home after preparing his porridge to go into the slow cooker..
Very happy to see us.. And must be thinking why mummy's early that day.. hehe..
"Smile for mommie please"
Went to dinner at Sakura to celebrate hubby's father's birthday...
Wasn't feeling my best, with my voice coarse, I didn't enjoyed the food...
and it was so cold...
But still, I can smile with my baby in my arms...
Shiok daddy can enjoy..
but the food isn't that fantastic either.. just normal....
I still prefer Shangri-La and Merchant Court buffet...
Blurry.. as Alvis was jumping around...
The uncles took turn to carry Alvis...
But he was totally restless and too sleepy already...
Now he knows how to do "angry face" too..
he'll pout his lips sooo high.. hahaha...
he'll do that if I can't carry him when he wants me to..
he was looking at me.. heheh...
A group photo outside the restaurant..
Little Alvis was playing with Clorets to keep him distracted from his sleepiness...
-Saturday 3rd Jan 2009-
It was sis's birthday..
I was still feeling ill..
But I thought I needed to go out and get some fresh air.. Plus let Alvis have some fresh air if not he might get my virus...
I asked hubby to take half day on that day to come back to look after little Alvis..
We went to AMK Hub Fairprice to get some groceries for dinner at home that night to celebrate sis's birthday..
Alvis's first time on the supermarket trolley...
He was excited and very happy.. hehe..
so cute to see him on it..
made him look like a toddler...

so happy to see him having fun...
but i reckoned it was quite uncomfortable..
so i let him wore two shorts and put another extra piece of clothing behind his back to give a little cushiony feel.. hehe...
At home with daddy, looking at them preparing the steamboat food..
"papa, u think i can eat? so much yummy looking food"
"there's really alot leh... can I have my share??"
"i guess i can just swallow my saliva and wait for mummy to give me my porridge"
"Here comes my dinner!!"
"faster mommie, hungryy!!"
The spread...
i could only eat those in the soup...
-Sunday 4th January 2009-
I was feeling alot better...
At least my voice came back..
Spent Sunday at home with Alvis baby..
Totally enjoyed ourselves..
and Alvis finally crawled....
I'll see if i can upload the video, it's a pretty big file...
hahha.. YAY!
Alvis: Canon, you can get me to be your baby model for your products...
I will always know to display your brand name in photos..haha...
I have a not bad side profile...
perky butt and thunder thighs...
long side-burns and side parting hair style...
A sweet smile...
high voltage pair of eyes...
fair complexion..
don't need to use photoshop..
I can look at your black plain camera pouch for the longest time ever...
and smile at the same time.....
really can consider me...
Alvis: NO? hmmph. okie, i shall cover your brand name...
hahaha.. no lar....
Alvis: Canon, Delighting You Always...
Must pay me money ah... thank you.. hehe...
just joking one la... haha..
"I love my mommie...
I always give her the widest smile..."
Enough of playing with the camera pouch and crawling on bed...
It was soon bath time for Alvis..
and time to prepare for bed...
In his bumble-bee sleepsuit from mothercare..
(Mothercare, I can also be your model) hahahah...
So comfy...
Entertaining him with the toy while I took some pictures to end our perfect 1st weekend of the year (despite me being ill), before I make milk and tuck him to bed..
Hope 2009 will be a good and smooth year for us and everyone....
I pray for good health for everybody...
Looking forward to accomplish more goals and fulfill more wishes this year...
***Hubby, let's work hard together!!***
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