姑姑 a.k.a Alvis' 姑婆 invited us to her place for BBQ session...
At home before we went out...
Took many pictures of my little darling..
Weekend is never long enough...
ALvis baby loves cars..
he can play with one car for the longest time ever....
See how he uses his index finger to meddle with the wheel.. hee...
ALvis: "Yes mummy, any problem?"
Alvis: Dont peep me from behind..
外公 teach me one..
he always like to teach me singing..
PLaying the wheel again...
@ Elias Rd
@ Rosewood...
姑婆's house....
Awhile later, the rain came...
so disappointing...
But Alvis had his 1st swim at Kareen's Ardmore Park..
I guess it was his first, so thats why he was kinda stone during the swimming session...
That day at Rosewood, he was enjoying more...
I love kicking in water!
Papa, my coach....
I love this pic of the lot the most....
Whenever I look at this picture, it never fails to put a smile on my face....
this is funny too..
too cold?
Alvis: Wanna come along? papa is bringing me to see the waterfall on the wall!
Can't see from the picture that there is actually water falling..
Jielin yiyi shot Alvis with the water gun..
but she was very sensible, she did not shoot at his face...
she shoot at his body, so still not that bad..
Papa trying to tell ALvis it's PLAY and not to be scared of..
haha.. he wasn't scared la, the daddy just want to assure him...
Kicking under daddy's instructions....haha..
Will definitely bring Alvis for more swim..
It's really fun and happy to see him enjoying it..
Hope I'll also be able to capture more laughing faces the next time I bring him for a swim.....
I'm going to bed, so sleepy..
Stay tune for more.....
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