I brought him to the Julia Gabriel Trial Class at Forum..
We were late.. =P
When we were there, the kids were playing with some paints and dotting colors on their paper fish..
As we were late and Alvis didn't had ample time to settle down and to adapt to the environment, he was rather shy and reserved and didn't really touch that piece of paper fish in front of him...
I helped him stamped some colors on the fish, demonstrating to him on how to go about doing it..
He just watched but didn't move his little hands..
"No worries darling, it was your first lesson..
Take your time.. Mummy just want you to have fun..." =)
Alvis enjoyed himself in the Little Tikes car when they were having playtime in the mini playground at the school..
That's when he truly enjoyed that day..
Haha, oh ya, and also snack-time when the kiddos were given rice crisps.
OH! and the Byebye Bubble Time..
When one of the teacher blew bubbles for the kiddos to catch...
Alvis loves bubbles..
After lesson, we went to Wheelock to have lunch..
Mummy wanted to have NYDC cuz there was 1-for-1 for dbs card.. =P
cheapo deals right.. haha..
Hey, but it was worth lor... hur hur....
Alvis baby in the highchair having his porridge lunch...
His potato pumpkin porridge cooked with dried scallops and pork...
This wasn't his actual serving..
He had about 3.5x of this..
The mummy's favorite...
Iced Chocolate Elephanccino..
Also mummy's first drink when she and daddy first officially met at NYDC Wheelock about 6 years ago..
The prawn-dunno-what spaghetti..
Not bad..
When the iced chocolate elephanccino wasn't that cold...
Mummy let Alvis baby tried some...
He is old enough for some table food..
But mummy is still not ready to let Alvis baby eat whatever we're eating..
Chocolate milk should be fine. =)
And Alvis baby loves it!!
He kept opening his mouth for more!
saying "AHHHHH" loudly with his mouth wide open, asking for more!
But mummy substituted the chocolate with...
plain water.
Alvis, sorry, you were cheated. hehe...
But he still likes it though..
He enjoys being spoon-fed...
Mummy, MORE please!
Plain water actually..
A short video of Alvis drinking from mummy's spoon...
Some days ago back at home...
Just some random shots...

Serious Alvis...

A video his daddy captured some time ago..
With Alvis baby making some noises..
Cute little precious..
Alvis baby enjoys watching his own videos..
He smiles and laughs at his own videos...
Enjoy! =)
Alvis baby, mummy loves you!
more than words can ever say.
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