haha, nothing fantastic, not any high-end luxury club membership..
just some playground he can visit till he turns 12.
nonetheless, I'm still very proud of his very 1st membership card..
cuz the card has his face on it! haha...
the very 1st card that goes into his 1st wallet...
The night before last night, let Alvis baby wore his rain boots around in the house to parade...
The size fits perfectly now, if he doesn't wear it often, soon he won't be able to fit in those cute boots anymore.
So even though we can't go out at night, he still gets to wear them in the house! (with socks though, haha, that's easier to slip his feet into the boots!)
The prince at home, roaming around...
Daddy tried to grab his arms, teaching him to do a "strong" pose for me but he refused to be restricted! hahaha..
Fighting to break free!
Haha.. his expression is so cute here!
trying to tell his daddy "Pa, don't mess with me!"
Watching his favorite commercials...
Eyes on TV...
Pointing to i-dont-know-what...
haha, their height difference now...
One day Alvis must grow as tall as his daddy.. :)
Busy little Alvis at play...
Our dinner to "celebrate" hubby's new job at Tiffany... :)
hehe, just something simple from the tze char downstairs...
quite yummy though...
Good luck to your new job, my love.
Jia you and work hard.. :)
(he's squeezing mayonnaise out, pardon his constipated face =P)
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