It was Marcus's farewell lunch...
We travelled to Vivocity for a better lunch session...
Had Earl's Swesen..
ORdered a Fish n Chip for myself and a Clam Chowder BReadbowl...
that comes with a buffet salad bar..
so I helped myself to the wide variety of salad feast...
MY salad:

Below are the pictures of my usual lunch mates..
Nick Wu... always bully me...

Adam Choo...
Mr. Nice Guy...

Marcus, the King...

Had a wonderful lunch with you guys...
shall go again on the next pay-day! haha...
Marcus, all the best and enjoy your trip to Sydney!
=11th November 2008, Tuesday=
Met Kailing at Changi Airport T2 after work with hubby and Alvis baby..
Feel like giving her a treat..
and because she loves sushi...
so we had Sakae Sushi...
Next time maybe we should try Inagi at Fairmont Hotel..
Was told by my colleague it's good there...
My Alvis baby.....
Love you so much, my darling...
Mummy and Baby....
My precious, why are you frowning?....
My Happy Family...
Hubby, you look so skinny.. hmm.. must feed you more...
Happy Family, cheeky Alvis...
Naughty Alvis, playing with his own mouth...hehe..
Still playing.. haha...
He had nothing to do while we were feasting on sushi....
"Take some more and I'll box you!"
Alvis looks like a little gangster with his shirt unbuttoned..hehe..
I forgot to button up for him... :P
The tempura ice cream that i wanted to try so much since very long ago but actually didnt taste really nice...
A group photo...
Love ya babe...
and Love my hubby and my baby...
Quality time spent, though short..
and Love my hubby and my baby...
Quality time spent, though short..
Hope you enjoyed the dinner...
=10th November 2008 Monday=
Pop-ed by at my hometown to visit my dearest babes...
A picture with dearest Ah Li I love..
I miss you all so much....
My Love, Nikki...
Of course must take a picture with her!
Love her so much too...
Dear An-Zhu-La, trying to act busy...hahhaa..
no la, she WAS busy....
The lifts were so nicely decorated for Christmas!
I look FAT....
It's time to get my hair done....
MY hometown.....
Don't you all EVER remove my pictures from the store... hahaha....
Miss MY BABES!!!
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