Below are some photos taken with Alvis' 1st chocolate bar..
He really knows how to enjoy..
"Snacking" with the TV on...
Wah.... nice....
Eyes still on TV...
Haha, he loves his chocolate bar..
On Christmas Day 25th December 2008, we woke up early..
Went to Compass Point for BK breakfast..
It's been ages since I last had BK breakfast..
everything was alright, but I find Mc's eggs nicer..
After breakfast, went home to let Alvis have his nap, before we go for a long day out...
Reached Chloe's house at around 2pm...
This was the door gift for children...
Some animal balloons..
Thanks Chloe yi-yi...
Alvis met Cameli jie-jie, Yi-Ma, 5th gu-po, 4th gu-po with didi and big mm-po...
Smiles were on everybody's faces when they saw Alvis..
"Merry Christmas folks!"
"Mommy, the slide looks interesting"
Mommy: "OKie, You may try....."
haha, still he prefers to sit down and play with toys...
think he's too young to know how much fun a slide can bring to him..
WE then played a game...
It's like a guessing game..
We were each given a piece of paper with about 2o+ questions...
We were supposed to see who can answer the most questions correctly..
Questions included "Someone who wore green underwear", "Someone who can don't talk for whole day..."
We were supposed to guess who's that person as the answers.....
At the end of the game, the person with the highest score gets a prize and will be deemed know everyone in the family best...
Everyone really was having fun...
Simon wanted me to tell him some answers to the questions...
Well, I helped a little.. hehe...
Agnes yiyi and Jason ah gu cracking their brains...
Everyone was thinking hard...
Even my brother was trying to figure out the answers while spinning the pen...
Guess who got the highest score??
I scored a highest of 20!!!
I know everybody best..
Mommy with Alvis in the Ferrari car..
Go baby go... drive around...
Ooh.. the movie they were watching was interesting!
Then suddenly, I don't know from where came this santa hat..
I don't remember wearing one before..
At least not in the most recent years...
So I put on it and snapped a few photos...
Huge THIGHS from this angle!! hahaha...
And a family photo.... =)
Then Simon came along..
and volunteered to take a photo of us...
These were the 2 photos he took of us....
Damn artistic right??
I think it's very nice, very unique and very beautiful... =)
Yiyi with Alvis..
The log cake that my sis brought...
Nice angle from here, simon..
Good shot!
We left Chloe's place at around 4pm...
And headed off to Anthony & Siling's place at Robin Rd...
The dope people were having a BBQ at their condo..
and so happy that we were invited!!
=D =D
AT the waterfall that Alvis loves to look at and hear the sound of the water flowing..
But he looked so tired..
Yeah, he was tired that day..
whole day out..
poor baby...
Luckily I brought a little Thomas toy out to keep him entertained while waiting for the other guests to arrive...
They started BBQ..
Weather was fine..
Not too hot and a little windy..
Perfect Christmas!
The lady boss with Alvis entertaining the guests.....
While the mommy ate her dinner..
(behind, can u spot me? hehe...)
Alvis with one jie-jie...
Loves her necklace, he kept playing with it...
Boss with Alvis...
Playing, he was so happy...
He giggled and laughed so much!
and even showed his belly..
Uncle Ben with Alvis....
Uncle Ben with Alvis again....
Alvis was restless already...
Wanted to go home...
kept looking at the gate. =P
So we left at about 8.40pm..
Went home and quickly changed Alvis into his pyjamas..
And took photos of him with his christmas pressies...
The big silver box was from the bosses...
So nice..
Even me and hubby got our pressie from them...
Hubby got a Lacoste towel while me got a Christopher Vine mug, which we will use in our new house.. =P
I wanted Alvis to unwrap all the pressies himself....
But he was only interested in the big silver box lor..
so i helped him tore a little opening on the wrapper and let him tore the rest off..
And Tah-Dang....!
Underneath that silver wrapper was a Thomas & Friends ball pit...
He still looking at it while the daddy snapped away...
I think he loves it.. =)
Alvis: "Woooeee, this creature is big!"
Still touching that big box... haha..
bet he wished we could set up the bit and let him dive into the balls immediately...
But sorry, no baby... it's bedtime already...
MOmmy: wait huh, mommy check the label see if the furs shed...
Alvis: "mommy, i think abit leh... better keep it till i bigger than let me hug it... meanwhile i'll just be very contented with my Thomas Ball Pit.."
Merry Christmas to my precious Alvis darling and hubby..
This 1st Christmas spent with Alvis was very enjoyable, happy and sweet..
I love every moment spent on this Christmas..
May all the Christmas-es to come be as nice...
Thanks for all the invitations to the parties.
Especially to Anthony and Siling..
For the BBQ and the presents..
This puts an end to Christmas 2008...
sweet sweet memories...
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