This week and the coming week are so short!
So very happy...
Cuz it means more time for Alvis baby....
Today I set up the ball pit for him...
It's kinda cute.. and interesting..
I think when he knows how to walk, it'll be a more fun thing to play in...
Now he probably just sit there and play with the balls, or crawl slowly out the two openings at the side...
Peeping at my darling....
"so shiok, so fun"
Body in, Head out..
Pose #1...
with his favorite color RED ball....
POse #2
Pose #3
Pose #4 - HaPPY!!!
"hahaha, mommy are u sure you wanna squeeze in?"
"okie, come and join me!"
"eh.. mommy, what's that up there?"
must be looking at the lantern he loves to look at..
when you ask him "alvis, lantern where?",
he will raise his head to look at the lantern above..
Free Flow Saliva...
In the midst of playing, 3rd aunt came up with a plate of sushi made by Agnes yi-yi..
SO nice!!
I quickly ate a few before sis and bro wake up.
it's nice, thanks Agnes!
Mommy: Alvis, you making a wish ah?
I tried cooking porridge for Alvis for the fun of it..
Went to buy spinach in the morning when we went downstairs for our usual morning stroll + breakfast...
I bought some sweet potatoes, but end up it's not the ones that I wanted to get...
so luckily I bought some organic carrots puree, i added them into the spinach porridge i cooked...
Using a new bowl and spoon from Tommy Tippee? i think that's the brand.. hehe..
It indicates too hot when it changes to yellow color...
That is so cool!
Alvis baby finished everything!!!
"Yum-yum, mommy's always the best!" hehe..
but Alvis baby is going on milkstrike recently..
he drinks milk only at night and the most plus one early in the morning feed..
so Y-gong suggest I continue give him his cereals, which are much more nutritious than plain porridge, which I feel are just plain carbo too..
After his evening bath-time, he loves to sit there...
chew on his new chocolate bar..
and today he was watching Peter Pan on Stay Home Saturday Movie..
he was very fascinated by the show..
so in love with this little darling of mine..
he will chew on his bar, and if he is sick of it, he will just throw on the floor..
you pick it up, clean it and offer to him..
he will take and slowly let it on the ground again..
haha, that he is trying to say, i have enough, thank you. =D
After I tucked him to bed, nothing to do...
I did this:
Alvis' Favorite Food for now:
Chicken Rice Cereal as dinner, Oats with Prune for lunch..
I love the oats with prune one.. it smells so nice..
Bonjour Milk Bread and Heinz Banana Rusk for tea breaks with favorite plain water...
Heinz Organic Vanilla Custard for breakfast....
This is fragrant too...
Healthy Times Garden Fresh Carrots...
"Garden Fresh" sounds like some salad on some restaurants' menu.. hehe..
His milk milk that he will cry at night for...
His Chocolate...
(like parents, like son.. we love chocolates and so does Alvis!)
Pigeon Pumpkin Crackers for occasional snacks..
not an everyday treat...
crackers are heaty, so I only give like probably 2 -3 times per week? hehe..
the rest left opened I'll finish them all.. =P
Loooking forward to New Yr Eve's half day, New Yr's day off.. and the weekend to come!!!
***smooches and hugs for my little prince***
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