Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, February 1, 2009

初七 - 捞鱼生

Today is 初七...
According to the Chinese tradition, it's everyone's birthday on this day...
AFter much persuasion, Daddy bought Alvis the Jumperoo that he love very much..
So this morning before the Daddy go to work, I got him to fix it up...
I was very sure Alvis baby wil love it...

In progress.....

Alvis immediately got in at the sight of the fixed Jumperoo.
He kept pushing my hands away from his body, and kept wanting to go near the Jumperoo..
Pure excitement and anticipation...
Now that he has this Jumperoo, Alvis welcome Chloe jie jie, Xenxen didi and Liz mei mei to come to our new house to have a jumping good time!

Exploring every single thing he can find on the Jumperoo..
Pressing here and there, turning here and there and jumping around!

As he just bathed, I didnt want him to perspire too much and it was his milk-time.
When I said "Alvis, it's milk-milk (breakfast) time!", he shot me a look:

As if he was saying : "HUH MOOOMIEEEEE, i jumped awhile only leh.. pls, 5more minutes..."

Mummy: Okie.. 5mins...

Alvis: YESSSS!

In the evening, my lunch kakis came over for our reunion dinner plus 捞鱼生 ceremony..
"ceremony" man..
sounds so formal..
Anyway we all got together because of lunch, and thus had made quite good friends with each other..
So a reunion dinner is necessary la.. hehe..
and Mr Adam suggested to come my house for the dinner for some special reason...
and he brought Summer along...
was so afraid I couldnt play a nice host...
Having to loook after Alvis baby and host.. not easy..
Thanks to papa's help.

HEre we were just now for dinner....
From left to right:

my younger sis was nice to offer to help babysit Alvis while I could have dinner with the peeps..
After dinner, we had our gambling session....
and photography session.. hehe...

Mr Adam and Ms Summer....

Ms Loh and Mr Wu

Mr Sek and Ms Summer...
the gambling king...
he really HUat ah...

Adam, Nick, Melvo, Summer and me....

Yu jin and me..
she was so happy..
don't know why...
maybe she too long didnt see me..
haha.. excited?

Peeping at their cards so slowly that they say will increase the level of excitment...
i just picked my cards up and ta-dang, start counting..haha...

Melvo with his forever this expression..

Adam giving out voltage with his eyes.

Summer with her mineral water...

Nick trying to act cute.
this pose is for girls hor...

Yu jin..
neh, see, so happy rite...

We played " 嘴巴手指不一样"
I was the one who introduced the game to them k..
we already had a few rounds in the office sometimes during lunch...
The loser will have to choose Truth or Dare..
SUmmer lost first...
I dared her to kiss anyone of the opposite sex in the house..
Melvo lost next..
I was in the room coaxing Alvis to bed...
They dared him to eat Ferroro Rocher on MR ADam's lap..
So A...
think Adam should be thinking where to put...
Melvo: "Slurps.... It's gonna be delicious"
Adam preparing...
MElvo: "Adam, here I come!"
tsk tsk tsk...
under 18, please skip this picture and go to the next... hehe...
It was then Lou Hei session after Hubby came home from work and everyone had finished eating steamboat...
I went to buy this from Sakae Sushi earlier in the afternoon with Alvis...
Papa generously added abalone....
Haha.. 10 over people doing it together..
IN a mess...
but delicious...
Enjoyed dinner with them..
Thanks for choosing my place and thanks for coming..
I'll be a better host next time... Hope it'll be at my new place.. =)
Happy 初七 to everybody..
and enjoy the rest 8 days of CNY...

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