9 quality days spent with Alvis baby..
I miss him the minute I stepped out of house to leave for work...
If only I have 一百万, I will not need to work..
At work today, Yujin came over to share the ruffles with me, Susan and Candice..
I was told that Susan and Candice waited for me to be back to open the bag of Ruffles..
So nice of them, so touched..
I have so nice colleagues around.. hehe...
Thanks babes....
When we were just going back to work after feasting on Ruffles.
Yujin and Susan were pondering over a magazine...
There was some sealed pages that topic was actually about sex or something that says "What turns you on"
The girls claimed that they were both under 18 and cannot unseal the pages..
But yet they were eager to see what's in there..
SO they said the mummy shall open..
So I opened lor, no big deal ma, sex education is something that parents should educate their children from young..
There I was, as I was telling the girls about what's in those few pages..
I looked like a teacher..
tsk tsk tsk...
Okay, the page wrote "HIS 5 pleasure points"...
and gosh, the page really describe in super details and used very hmm... sexual words...
Everyone was super enthusiastic..
So I just posed naughtily in front of the camera..
I think the banana looks quite 3D.
Don't know how they managed to do it...
But my expression was because of how detailed the magazine wrote...
Reading out softly to my students...
The students of my class...
Candice, Susan and Yujin..
Does Susan and Yujin looked like they were under 18?
one is older than me, one is only 2 yrs younger than me..
come on babes, face reality! haa..
at waiting for company bus time.
Eyleen wanted to check out my camera...
So I took some photos of them..
Faylene and Eyleen...
Yujin and Faylene...
MElvo talking to Eyleen on the bus..
The bus took damn long to come..
Doesnt the bus driver know I want to rush home to Alvis baby?!
Yujin talking to Faylene...
Adam acting all emotionally...
Candice refused to take picture...
Faylene is shielding her face from the paparazzi (ME)....
BAck home and very happy to see baby..
He was very happy to see me too...
I can feel it, can see it...
I miss you baby.. lots....
As I was on the bed with Alvis playing with him..
He spotted the Jumperoo that I neatly kept in the room in his playpen that he usually don't sleep in...
Most of the time he sleeps in between me and hubby..
Immediately he crawled over to the playpen, pulled himself to standing position and walked about 2 steps on the bed to go nearer to the Jumperoo and he jumped a little moving his butt and knees..
So cute to see that from him..
I know he is trying to show that he wanted a jump and some fun in it...
So i got bro to help to bring it to the living room..
and the yi yi, ah gu and myself were looking at Alvis enjoying his jumperoo...
Happy Contented Alvis...
But very busy... haha...
he was turning around, looking at us and the toys and caught a few glances at the tv....
Thus the blur image...
Was looking for the mode to use for fast motion...
and found the ISO 3200 mode to capture fast moving scene.
cannot tell he was jumping from the next few photos right:
I am so happy to see Alvis happy...
Love every minute I have with him...
Looking forward to his 1st birthday celebration...
Looking forward to weekend with Alvis baby..
Agenda for this weekend:
Saturday 7th Feb: Alandria's 1st birthday party
Sunday 8th Feb: Tentatively Alvis' 1st lesson and Gu-gu CNY party at Rosewood...
Enjoy the rest of the 7days of CNY!!
till then...
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