-13th April 2008, Sunday, Baby Shower-We celebrated Baby Alvis's full month on the 13th April, 5 days earlier than the actual date because 18th falls on a weekday and many of the guests sure won't be able to make it, therefore we had it earlier on a Sunday, so everyone we invited could come..
Everyone at home woke up very early that day because we had to get Alvis prepared (and myself of course =P) as we had to go back to my parents' place early in the morning to pray to our ancestors..
So here is Alvis bathed and dressed in Old Navy from "Da Yi Ma" a.k.a Avril's Mum.. =P
It fits perfectly... SO smart right.. hee..

Hello everyone, I'm Alvis.. this is my signature pose.. Superman! Hee..

Daddy took this for me.. He was waiting there with the camera, waiting for me to yawn... haha..
When I was posting this entry, hubby made sure I post this photo.. He said he waited for quite some time to take this pic.. haha..

Sometimes baby Alvis will stretch his mouth and yawn super big..
Sometimes he'll even control the size of his mouth and give a small yawn.. haha...
It's amazing to see how a month old baby can do so many cute little actions.. hee..
This is Ah-Ma carrying me while Mummy is gonna snip off some hair from the back of my head..
They all say my hair very nice, better don't shave botak.. haha..
Daddy and Mummy also don't bear to get rid of my hair..

Then we went to my parents' place..
This is Alvis first visit to his grandparents' place...
Baby Alvis, we'll be visiting Y-gong's house very often in the future oh...

The super traditional and old-fashioned type of full month cake that my mother-in-law told me to order...=P
From Sweetest Moments...

Mummy with Alvis baby...

It's feeding time...
Once my little Alvis is hungry, it means he's hungry, and he wants his milk in the shortest time possible.. He cannot go hungry, just like his daddy...

And Ta-Dang! my new LV sandals...
Love it..

Then it was back home...
Lunch Buffet arrived just as we arrived....

Baby Alvis with his Great-Grandfather...

I was tired carrying him around showing everybody...
So my mother in law suggested I put him in the stroller and push him around so everyone can see him.. haha..

The full-month cake...

All the pressies from relatives and friends...

We forgot to take a picture of all the ang-baos for Alvis..
So we could show him in the future.. haha..
But never mind, daddy and mummy will keep the money safely for you...
Now as I am writing this entry, I realised that we forgot to take a family picture on Alvis's full month. =(
We were busy and tired and guess it slipped our mind.. sigh...
We shall have a family photo taken soon..
The one and only we had currently was the one taken in the Operating Theatre when I delivered.. haha... Not even counted cuz I wasn't even looking at the camera..
Anyway, thank you all friends and relatives who made it to Baby Alvis's Baby Shower...
Your presence, your monetary and material gifts are greatly appreciated..
Even to those who couldn't make it, thanks for sending your wishes and gifts still..
Thank you all once again, and I'm sure Baby Alvis would like to say "Thank you Uncles and Aunties" too..
-Latest Updates-A gift from Uncle Ming Yang..
Hee.. I put Alvis baby into this little playground yesterday...
Apparently he's still too young to know how to play in it..
But it's cute and it will definitely come to use in the next few months..

My precious taking his nap...

This was taken this morning when Alvis baby bathed..
He must be thinking "Do whatever you guys wanna do with me" haha..
See his relaxed and expression-less face.. =P
Oh, by the way he's using the super old-fashioned my parents bought for me during my traditional wedding.. haha..
Soon he'll be using a proper bath tub.. I mean a "fashionable" one.. hehe.

Bathed clean clean... hehe..
Daddy playing with me...

It's amazing and happy to see my little darling growing bigger and bigger everyday...
Just now when he was taking his nap, I attempted to cut his nails..
The careless me accidentally cut his flesh!!!
You guys must be thinking what a careless mummy I am.. =(
Alvis, in case you're reading this when you're older, Mummy is very very sorry about my carelessness, I really did not mean to and how I very much wish I can turn back time to prevent it from happening...
I'm really sorry my baby...
Sorry to hubby too.....
It must be painful...
My tears nearly fell but I kept swallowing them...
Baby, please do not blame mummy...
I will definitely be extra careful the next time I cut your nails...
Mummy promise I'll never let such accident happen again...
It's really painful... in my heart...
It's like a thousand cut on my own flesh....
Alvis baby, mummy loves you....
Grow up strong and healthy, brave and smart ok?
As brave and strong as daddy alright? =)
*darling went to extract his wisdom tooth last night... a pity I wasn't with him..
It must be scary and though he has had anesthetic and it was not painful during the process, but he was really courageous and brave to have it done right away when the dentist told him that he needed to extract it..
Even the dentist said he was courageous when I called later in the night to ask him about the wound bleeding..
Sorry darling I wasn't there to be with you during the extraction as I had to be home with Alvis...
You're my brave hubby, Alvis's brave daddy...
Hope it recovers soon, and we'll be able to have a great feast together!!
I miss good food!!!